

I really try to live my live with a 'glass is half-full philosophy'….
attempting to be grateful everyday for my many blessings….Thanksgiving gives us
the opportunity to pause and take stock….
it's the ultimate optimists' holiday!  Maybe that's why
I love it so much……or maybe it's the pumpkin pie ;).

This year we will be heading over the mountains to visit
my parent's in Central Oregon.  We will look forward to hanging
out as a family, something it seems becomes harder and harder
with two busy teen girls.  Then on Friday we will
head out for our annual hike to find the perfect
Christmas tree in the National Forest!  This is one
of my favorite holiday traditions!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who took the time
to say 'HELLO' and enter the giveaway for my little
sign!  In these times of sponsored posts, sponsored giveaways
for REALLY high value items, it was refreshing to have
so many of you enter this seemingly smallish giveaway 
that I paid for myself!  Seems like how things used to be
when blogging was new!

The winner of the sign is an Anonymous commenter
who signed her post as "Karen H." - can you please
email me at