
A winner…..And Favorite Things!

A rare Saturday post to announce the winner of the
$150 shopping credit from Minted……
*I sent you an email so check your inbox darling!

Also want to alert you to a fun bloghop {is that a word?}  I am participating in
 - all next week Melissa from 320 Sycamore is 
asking a group of bloggers to share their "Favorite Things"….
I am one of the blogs sharing on Monday!

I can't wait to share….but don't get your hopes up,
It's not the Oprah "you get a car, you get a car" kind
of Favorite Things…..but it is always fun to discover 
new products and services, books, beauty products
etc….that others love…..

Seriously, head over to Pop Sugar to see these hilarious Oprah reactions!
Random fact….I grew up in Chicago and attended many
Oprah tapings, saw many version of the Oprah over the years…
….but was never lucky to be at one of these shows!
Lord knows I probably would have cried and hugged/kissed all those
around me too…..

Please come back on Monday and visit ……..