
Using Liming Wax on Pine…..

You may all remember my Goodwill score from a couple years ago -
you can read about it HERE……While I love old pine so much, sometimes
I find it too yellow for my tastes.  I had read how liming wax can 'bring down'
the yellow hues so I had try it on this piece - I didn't have much to lose!

I really love the results!  By no means is it a perfect waxing job {as the photos prove} but
I wanted it look imperfect as if it had happened over time.

I ordered my Briwax from Amazon but you might be able to find it
at your local woodcraft store too.

Notice anything else different in my home?  I finally hung drapes
on both LARGE sliding french doors in my great room…..
love how instantly cozy the room feels.


Thanks everyone who took the time to write a comment to
my 'overwhelmed momma' post!  I appreciate your insight so much.


Is it almost Monday already????